Volume 9 Issue 25
December 16, 2009Volume 9 Issue 24
December 3, 2009- Sixth-Generation Leaders Promoted to Top Party Positions
- Priorities and Challenges in China's Naval Deployment in the Horn of Africa
- Taiwan and the Changing Strategic Balance in the East China Sea
- Libya Cautions China: Economics Is No Substitute to Politics
- Hu Jintao Unveils Major Foreign-Policy Initiative
Volume 9 Issue 23
November 19, 2009Volume 9 Issue 22
November 4, 2009- Chongqing’s Mafias Expose Grave Woes in China’s Legal Apparatus
- China's Demographic Imbalances Widen
- PLA Exercises March Toward Trans-Regional Joint Training
- China’s 11th Ambassadorial Conference Signals Continuity and Change in Foreign Policy
- Maritime Multilateralism: China's Strategy for the Indian Ocean
Volume 9 Issue 21
October 22, 2009Volume 9 Issue 20
October 7, 2009- Jiang Zemin Casts Long Shadow over National Day Parade
- War Talk: Perceptual Gaps in “Chindia” Relations
- Obama’s China Trip: Forging Middle Class Ties
- Xi's European Tour: China's Central-Eastern European Strategy Reaches for New Heights
- Strategic Implications of Chinese Aid and Investment in Latin America
Volume 9 Issue 19
September 24, 2009- Hu Sends Special Envoy to Pyongyang ahead of Whirldwind Summitry
- CCP 17th Central Committee Plenum Skips Xi Jinping and Inner-Party Democracy
- The PRC 60th Anniversary Parade: Equipment on Display, Not Military Capabilities
- Changes in Beijing’s Approach to Overseas Basing?
- A Profile of China's Public Gem: China's Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation
Volume 9 Issue 18
September 10, 2009Volume 9 Issue 17
August 20, 2009Volume 9 Issue 16
August 5, 2009Volume 9 Issue 15
July 23, 2009Volume 9 Issue 14
July 9, 2009- Taiwan's State-Owned Aerospace Firm to Build Aircraft in China: Risks and Opportunities
- China’s Claims to an Extended Continental Shelf in the East China Sea: Meaning and Implications
- China’s Re-emergence as an Arms Dealer: The Return of the King?
- Chinese Perceptions of U.S. Decline and Power
- The Net Revolution: Chinese Netizens vs. Green Dam
Volume 9 Issue 13
June 24, 2009Volume 9 Issue 12
June 12, 2009Volume 9 Issue 11
May 27, 2009- Food Security in Africa: China's New Rice Bowl
- Chinese State-Owned Military Firm Reports Major Increase in Sales
- International Monetary Reform and the Future of the Renminbi
- China’s Strategy toward Central America: The Costa Rican Nexus
- Cross-Strait Matrix: The Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement
Volume 9 Issue 10
May 15, 2009- Kuayue-2009: Shifts in PLA Military Planning?
- Hu Jintao Picks Core Sixth-Generation Leaders
- The Shanxi Coal Mine Blast and the Failure of Safety Governance in China
- The U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue: Continuity and Change in Obama’s China Policy
- The Panda Hugs the Tucano: China’s Relations with Brazil
Volume 9 Issue 9
April 30, 2009- Impeccable Affair and Renewed Rivalry in the South China Sea
- PLA’s “Absolute Loyalty” to the Party in Doubt
- Maritime Confrontation Highlights Troubled State of China-U.S. Defense Diplomacy
- Beijing and Havana: Political Fraternity and Economic Patronage
- Changxing Shipbuilding Base: Home for China's Future Indigenous Aircraft Carrier?
Volume 9 Issue 8
April 16, 2009Volume 9 Issue 7
April 2, 2009Volume 9 Issue 6
March 18, 2009Volume 9 Issue 5
March 4, 2009Volume 9 Issue 4
February 20, 2009- China-Taiwan: An Intelligence Detente?
- China and Indonesia: Military-security Ties Fail to Gain Momentum
- Wang Jiarui’s New Year’s Visit to Pyongyang and China’s New Approach to North Korea
- Beijing Launches Diplomatic Blitz to Steal Obama's Thunder
- The Chinese Armed Forces and Non-Traditional Missions: A Growing Tool of Statecraft
Volume 9 Issue 3
February 5, 2009Volume 9 Issue 2
January 22, 2009- CCP Provincial Committees' Reports Highlight Growing Wealth and Urban-Rural Inequality
- Chinese State Media Goes Global: A Great Leap Outward for Chinese Soft Power?
- Commodity Flux and China’s Africa Strategy
- Recent Trends in Russo-Chinese Military Relations
- New Advances in PLA Battlefield Aerospace and ISR