Scott LaFoy
Scott LaFoy is a Master’s Candidate at Georgetown University’s Security Studies Program and analyst. His main focus is asymmetric military capabilities, particularly ballistic missiles, nuclear... MORE
Michael Laha
Michael Laha is a consultant at Sinolytics, a European research-based consultancy focused on China. Previously, he was an Alexander von Humboldt Foundation German Chancellor Fellow... MORE
Christina Lai
Christina Lai is a junior research fellow in the Institute of Political Science at Academia Sinica, Taiwan. She is also an adjunct lecturer in Global... MORE
I-chung Lai
I-Chung Lai, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor at the Mackay Medicine College of Nursing and Management.
Eric Y.H. Lai
Eric Y.H. Lai, PhD is a Research Fellow at the Center for Asian Law of Georgetown University Law Center, Washington D.C. He received PhD in... MORE
Yi-Ren Lai
Yi-Ren Lai is an active Captain and Counterintelligence Officer in the Ministry of National Defense, Taiwan. He received his MA in China military affairs studies... MORE
Kanchan Lakshman
Kanchan Lakshman is a Research Fellow for the Institute for Conflict Management, New Delhi.

Willy Wo-Lap Lam
Dr. Willy Wo-Lap Lam is a Senior Fellow at The Jamestown Foundation, and a regular contributor to China Brief. He is an Adjunct Professor at... MORE
Jozef Lang
Józef Lang is a Central Asia analyst at the Center for Eastern Studies (OSW, Polish: rodek Studiów Wschodnich) in Warsaw, Poland. Graduated from Warsaw University... MORE
Jennifer Lang
Jennifer Lang is a freelance consultant with a background in counterterrorism, defense and security analysis. She recently spent a year covering the jihadist threat to... MORE
Paulina Lang
Paulina Lang is an expert on Ukrainian affairs at Jagielloński Klub Centre for Analyses (, an independent think tank based in Poland.
Yuri Lapaiev
Yuri Lapaiev is currently the editor-in-chief of Tyzhden (The Ukrainian Week) magazine. He graduated from the Ivan Kozhedub Air Force University in Kharkiv, with an... MORE
Mathias Lund Larsen
Mathias Lund Larsen is senior research consultant at the International Institute of Green Finance at the Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing and dual... MORE
Christian Nils Larson
Christian Nils Larson is a Partner at The AML/CFT Group. He holds an MA in Central Eurasian Studies from Indiana University and a certificate in... MORE
Marlene Laruelle
Marlene Laruelle is Research Professor of International Affairs and Associate Director of the Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies (IERES) at the Elliott School... MORE
Lorand Laskai
Lorand Laskai is a Research Associate at the Council on Foreign Relations. Follow him on Twitter @lorandlaskai.
Michael Lauber
Michael Lauber is CEO of the Liechtenstein Bankers' Association. From 2001 to 2004, he served as the Director of Liechenstein's Financial Intelligence Unit.
Roderick Lee
Roderick Lee is the Director of Research at the Air University’s China Aerospace Studies Institute (CASI), where he oversees research on Chinese military aerospace forces... MORE
Jeongseok Lee
Jeongseok Lee is a Ph.D. candidate in Public and International Affairs at Princeton University and a student affiliate in the Princeton-Harvard China and the World... MORE
Seong-hyon Lee
Sunny Seong-hyon Lee, PhD, is the Pantech Fellow in Korean Studies at the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Reseach Center, Stanford University. He is also a... MORE
Itamar Lee
Itamar Y. Lee is a Visiting Fellow of the Institute of Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi, India. He is the author of “Dragon’s... MORE
Jordan Lee
Jordan Lee is a research assistant at The Brookings Institution.
Melissa Lefkowitz
Melissa Lefkowitz is a program officer at the U.S.-Asia Law Institute at the NYU School of Law. Her current work focuses on public interest law... MORE
Vladimir Legenko
Vladimir Legenko is a Ukrainian masters degree student currently studying private international law at the Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University of... MORE
Arkadiusz Legieć
Arkadiusz Legieć is a freelance researcher. His area of analysis is the post-Soviet region, terrorism (particularly the phenomenon of foreign fighters) and contemporary politics in... MORE
James Leibold
James Leibold is an Associate Professor and Head of Department at La Trobe University in Melbourne Australia, and an expert on ethnic policy and ethnic... MORE
Leeshai Lemish
Leeshai Lemish has been writing about Falun Gong since 2001, and is currently conducting research with Ethan Gutmann for an upcoming book on the subject.
Edward Lemon
Edward Lemon is the DMGS-Kennan Institute Fellow, Daniel Morgan Graduate School in Washington DC. His research examines security, Islam, migration and politics in Tajikistan and... MORE
Greg Levesque
Greg Levesque is the CEO and co-founder of Strider, a technology company delivering tools that help enterprises enhance their long-term competitiveness, including the ability to... MORE
Matthew Levitt
Matthew Levitt, a former FBI counterterrorism analyst, is a senior fellow and Director of Terrorism Studies at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.
Philip I. Levy
Dr. Philip I. Levy is a Resident Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. From 2003 to 2005, he was Senior Economist for Trade for the... MORE
Joanna I. Lewis
Dr. Joanna Lewis is the Senior International Fellow at the Pew Center on Global Climate Change and an adjunct professor at Georgetown University's Walsh School... MORE
Mingjiang Li
Li Mingjiang, Ph.D., is Assistant Professor of the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.
Cheng Li
Cheng Li is a senior fellow and director of the John L. Thornton China Center at the Brookings Institution.
Jianmin Li
Li Jianmin is a professor at the Institute of Population and Development in the School of Economics at Nankai University
Shaomin Li
Shaomin Li is a Professor of International Business at Old Dominion University Strome College of Business.
Brynjar Lia
Dr. Brynjar Lia is a research professor at the Norwegian Defense Research Establishment (FFI) and the author of a forthcoming biography on Abu Mus'ab al-Suri... MORE
Diana Liang
Diana Liang is a research assistant at the John L. Thornton China Center at the Brookings Institution. She has worked previously at Albright Stonebridge and the... MORE
Holmes Liao
Holmes Liao has over 30 years of professional experience in U.S. aerospace industries. He previously served as an adjunct distinguished lecturer at Taiwan's War College.
Yen-fan Liao
Liao (Kitsch) Yen-Fan is a Taipei-based analyst for the Cyber Security firm Team T5, specializing in cyber security, air power and the Taiwanese military. He... MORE
Ivan Lidarev
Ivan Lidarev is a Ph.D. student at King’s College London (KCL) and an advisor to Bulgaria’s National Assembly. Ivan’s research, published in The Diplomat and... MORE
David Liebenberg
David Liebenberg is a China analyst at CNA’s Center for Naval Analyses. He is one of the co-authors of Behind the Periscope: Leadership in China’s... MORE
Matthew A. Light
Dr. Matthew A. Light is a Visiting Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. He conducted field research on the... MORE
Robyn Lim
Robyn Lim is Professor of International Relations at Nanzan University, Nagoya, Japan, and the author of "The Geopolitics of East Asia".
Joseph Y. Lin
Joseph Y. Lin currently studies at the Graduate Institute of International Affairs and Strategic Studies of Tamkang University in Taipei, Taiwan. He has held executive... MORE
Reginald Y. Lin
Reginald Y. Lin is an associate fellow from Foundation of Asia-Pacific Peace Studies (FAPS) in Taiwan, who focuses on CCP personnel promotion.
Leo Lin
Leo Lin is a doctoral student at the University of Southern Mississippi. His work focuses on Indo-Pacific security and Chinese grand strategy.
Ying Yu Lin
Dr. Ying Yu Lin is an Assistant Professor at Graduate Institute of International Affairs and Strategic Studies Tamkang University in New Taipei City, Taiwan and... MORE
Christina Lin
Christina Y. Lin, Ph.D. is research consultant for IHS Jane’s and former director for China affairs in policy planning at the U.S. Department of Defense.... MORE
Cheng-yi Lin
Cheng-yi Lin, Ph.D., is the Executive Director of the Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies (CAPAS), and Research Fellow at the Institute of European and American... MORE
Chong-pin Lin
Dr. Chong-Pin Lin is the President of the Foundation on International and Cross-Strait Studies and a professor in the Graduate Institute of International Affairs and... MORE
Joseph E. Lin
Mr. Joseph E. Lin is the former Associate Editor of China Brief at The Jamestown Foundation. He is the co-founder of the Johns Hopkins University... MORE
Lin Fei-fan (林飛帆)
Fei-fan Lin (林飛帆) is a board member of New Frontier Foundation, an official think tank of Taiwan’s governing Democratic Progressive Party. He was also the... MORE
Toby Lincoln
Toby Lincoln is a researcher in corporate social responsibility and reputations management. He received a Masters in Chinese Studies from the School of Oriental and... MORE
Zining Liu
Liu Zining is a graduate student specializing in North American studies at the China Foreign Studies University, and Dr. Wenran Jiang’s research assistant.
Xingzhu Liu
Dr. Xingzhu Liu (M.D., Ph.D., MPH) is a principal scientist with Abt Associates Inc. and has more than 20 years of experience in health economics... MORE
Fu-kuo Liu
Fu-Kuo Liu, Ph.D., is a Research Fellow, Institute of International Relations, National Chengchi University. He was 2006-2007 visiting fellow at the Center for Northeast Asian... MORE
David Livingston
David Livingston is a research fellow in the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace's Energy and Climate Program, where he provides support for a portfolio of... MORE
Scott Livingston
Scott Livingston is an attorney specializing in Chinese data privacy and technology law. He previously served as an analyst and China Team Lead within the... MORE
David C. Logan
David C. Logan is a graduate student at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University. His writing has been published... MORE
Christine Loh
Christine Loh is the CEO of Civic Exchange, an independent non-profit think tank, which has worked with numerous surveying experts to track public opinion throughout... MORE
I-cheng Loh
I-cheng Loh served as director of the Chinese Information Service in New York from 1963 to 1979. After ambassadorial stints in Guatemala and South Africa,... MORE
Darius Longarino
Darius Longarino is a Research Scholar in Law at Yale Law School and a Senior Fellow of the Paul Tsai China Center. Prior to joining... MORE
Ben Lowsen
Ben Lowsen is China Strategist for the U.S. Air Force's Checkmate office. He is a retired U.S. Army officer who has served previously as Assistant... MORE
Lu Li-Shih
Lu Li-Shih is a former instructor at the Taiwanese Naval Academy and a former captain of the Ching Chiang-class patrol corvette. He received master degrees... MORE
Matthew Luce
Matthew Luce is a Mandarin linguist-analyst at SAIC. He has worked and traveled extensively in China, and his research focuses on Chinese technology development and... MORE
Ahmad Lutfi
Ahmad Lutfi is a political and terrorism analyst, and a Middle East specialist based in Ottawa, Canada. His background and life in China, Europe, the... MORE
Pavel Luzin
Dr. Pavel Luzin is a visiting scholar at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University. He is also a regular contributor at The... MORE
Daniel C. Lynch
Daniel C. Lynch is Assistant Professor of International Relations at the University of Southern California. He is the author of Taiwan's Self-Conscious Nation-Building Project and... MORE
Matthew Lyons
Mr. Lyons has spent several years as a counterterrorism analyst advising the American government.