The South China Sea Dispute: Increasing Stakes and Rising Tensions

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Table of Contents
I. Executive Summary
II. Key Findings
III. Why are the South China Sea Disputes Important?
a. Significance of the South China Sea and the South China Sea Disputes
b. Conflicting Sovereignty Claims
c. Sovereignty Over What?
d. Overlapping Maritime Claims
e. A Fresh Dimension: Outer Continental Shelf Submissions
f. Claims From Where?
IV. China Reasserts Itself in the South China Sea
V. The Regional Perspective: ASEAN and the Southeast Asian Claimants
a. ASEAN’s Lackluster Response
b. The Philippines: Militarily Weak, Legally Schizophrenic
c. Vietnam: Diplomacy and Deterrence
d. Malaysia: Downplaying Tensions but Remaining Vigilant
e. Brunei: A Low Key Approach
f. Indonesia: Old Issues Resurface
VI. U.S. Strategic and Commercial Interests in the South China Sea