Latest Articles about Russia
France Stonewalls US Attempts to Discourage Mistral Warship Sale to Russia
The risk-fraught prospect of Western arms sales to Russia was not an agenda item at NATO’s annual summit, just held in Lisbon. Although such sales, on top of Russia’s own rearmament programs, can increase Russian military capabilities on NATO’s eastern borders, the Alliance avoids dealing... MORE
NATO Disinclined to Debate Mistral Affair
Debate on the implications of military sales to Russia is stifled in NATO. The proposed sale of French Mistral-class warships to Russia is by far the largest among possible Russian procurements under discussion. Non-member country Georgia has taken the lead in airing concerns over the... MORE
Ingush rights activists awarded as abuses in the republic persist
On December 5, the Ingush non-governmental organization Mashr, which is headed by Magomed Mutsolgov and focuses on monitoring human rights violations in the republic, received the Moscow Helsinki Group. “Daily work in the field of rights of the individual and the defense of freedom in... MORE
North Korean Tantrums, Russian Geopolitical Dilemmas and De-escalation
The crisis on the Korean Peninsula has marked a new dimension of the media, once again confirming Marshall McLuhan’s observation that “the media is the message.” In this case, it was the international press offering global coverage to WikiLeaks releasing US State Department cables. These... MORE
North Korean Tantrums Again Reveal Russia’s Geopolitical Dilemmas
On November 22, the Russian government expected to bask in the light of a successful NATO Summit in Lisbon. President Dmitry Medvedev attended while NATO had produced a new Strategic Concept that treated Russia as a partner and not as a problem. European missile defense... MORE
Russia Plans to Strengthen the Black Sea Fleet
The April 2010 extension of the Black Sea Fleet (BSF) treaty base in Sevastopol until 2042 or 2047 has three ramifications for Ukraine’s democracy, its relations with Russia, NATO and the EU. Russia now has an investment in President Viktor Yanukovych staying in power at... MORE
Russian Military Manpower: Recurring Zugzwang
Since the spring of 2010 Russian military reform has slumbered in a crisis, over how to formulate a manning system that suits modernized forces. This was partly denoted by the top brass, confessing that the experiment with contract service had failed, and with that announcement... MORE
NATO Demonstrates Full Support for Georgia
On November 23, as Georgians marked the seventh anniversary of the Rose Revolution, a peaceful popular protest that opened new opportunities for the South Caucasus nation’s Euro-Atlantic integration, President Mikheil Saakashvili affirmed the country’s European identity as he addressed the European Parliament.(https://www.president.gov.ge/index.php?lang_id=ENG&sec_id=228&info_id=5857)On November 19-20, Saakashvili... MORE
Moscow Increases Its Focus on Solving the North Caucasus Riddle
On December 1, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin appointed himself as the head of the Russian government’s commission for the socio-economic development of the North Caucasus. The existing head of the North Caucasus Federal District, Aleksandr Khloponin, became Putin’s deputy on the commission. “Close coordination... MORE
Russia Tries to Exploit European Disunity
The big surprise that rejoiced the vast majority of Russians last Friday was the decision by the International Federation of Football Associations (FIFA) to hold the 2018 World Cup tournament in Russia. One person who did not appear surprised was Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin, who... MORE