Latest Articles about Africa
Special Report from Inside Libya
Objective Sirte: Gains and Setbacks Among Libya's Rebel Forces
Turkey Diverges From Western Position On Libya
Turkey has pursued a policy over the popular uprising in Libya reflecting the unique ties it had developed with this country. More importantly, Turkey’s position in the ongoing debate concerning the involvement of the international community in the form of sanctions or possible military intervention... MORE
Special Report from Inside Libya: Assessing Libyan Rebel Forces
Libyan rebel forces repulsed an advance on the Mediterranean seaport of Marsa al-Burayqah (also known as Marsa al-Brega) by Libyan government forces loyal to Colonel Mu’ammar al-Qaddafi and African mercenaries in his employ. The loyalists were attempting to regain control of a Sirte Oil Company... MORE
“How I Joined Jihad”: Nigerian Bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab in His Own Words (Part Two)
Part one of this article examined the growing alienation that consumed would-be airline bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab as a student in a school with few other Muslims, and the transformation that occurred when he discovered the “Islam Forum” on the internet and began to absorb... MORE
Mu’ammar al-Qaddafi’s Last Line of Defense: A Profile of Khamis al-Qaddafi
Khamis al-Qaddafi, son of Mu'ammar Qaddafi and leader of the Khamis Brigade Libya’s most important military commander has no combat experience and has achieved his rank through nepotism rather than merit. His first active command involved attacking unarmed civilians and ex-members of his own military,... MORE
After Mubarak: Egypt’s Islamists Respond to a Secular Revolution
When Shaykh Yusuf al-Qaradawi took the stage in Tahrir Square on February 18, it was the first time in decades that the leading member of the Muslim Brotherhood and influential Doha-based TV commentator on Islamic issues had spoken publicly in Egypt. Before hundreds of thousands... MORE
Special Commentary: Is Libya Headed Toward a Prolonged Civil War?
It did not take long for Libya to follow the path of its neighbors, with popular uprisings in Tunisia to the west and in Egypt to the east. The Libyan ‘uprising’ which started on February 17th, continues as of the writing of this piece. (Opposition... MORE
AQIM Operations Threaten Niger’s Return to Democracy
Almost one year after the military coup that overthrew former Nigerien president Mamadou Tandja, the people of Niger are in the process of choosing a new president. One of the most important challenges that the new president will face is the increasing role that al-Qaeda... MORE
“How I Joined Jihad”: Nigerian Bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab in His Own Words (Part One)
The story of 23-year old Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, who attempted to blow up North West Airlines Flight 253 en-route from Amsterdam to Detroit on December 25, 2009, presents a vehicle for distinguishing between political but non-violent radicalization and wholesale conversion to the jihad ideology.... MORE
Beijing Wary of “Color Revolutions” Sweeping Middle East/North Africa
The chances are low that an Egyptian-style “color revolution” is about to flare up in China any time soon. Yet it is a reassertion of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) administration’s seemingly lack of confidence that it has gone to great lengths to minimize the... MORE