Latest Articles about Africa
“Chinese Assistance Centers” Grow United Front Work Department Global Presence
A network of thirteen “Chinese Community and Police Cooperation Centres” (hereafter: “police cooperation centers”) established by PRC expatriates in South Africa recently became the subject of a minor controversy in that nation. Photos of the opening ceremony for the thirteenth center in Port Elizabeth, the... MORE
Shaykh Mukhtar Robow Ali Revisited: From Repentant Jihadist to New Enemy of the Somali Government
Shaykh Mukhtar Robow Ali—a.k.a Abu Mansur (Mansoor)—a former deputy leader of al-Shabaab, has fallen-out with the Somalia government, barely a year after his defection from the al-Qaeda affiliate in East Africa. Robow, who switched his allegiance in August last year, was arrested on December 13... MORE
Burkina Faso and the Looming Jihadist Threat to Coastal West Africa
Ten years ago, the prospect that Nigeria would become a jihadist hotspot—let alone the world’s third “most terrorized” country after Iraq and Afghanistan—received hardly any consideration (, December 6). Nevertheless, much has changed in ten years. Today the situation in northeastern Nigeria is worse than... MORE
Mauritania—Will Islamist Crackdown Make It a Terrorist Target?
When Mauritania’s President Mohamed Ould Abd al-Aziz identified political Islamists as extremists and national enemies last August, his bluntness surprised some observers: “Proponents of political Islam are all extremists… Islamists, who practice politics and wear ties, can take up arms if they cannot achieve their... MORE
Pragmatism, Business, Flexibility: A Profile of Tripoli Revolutionaries Brigade Leader Haithem al-Tajouri
Introduction In recent years, the role of Libya’s local militias—which emerged immediately after the eruption of the revolution in 2011—grew exponentially. Created in many cases as revolutionary or neighborhood defense groups, their economic power and territorial presence have increased sharply over the years, particularly after... MORE
Cameroon: Biya’s Reelection and Worsening Separatist Violence The reelection of Cameroonian President Paul Biya in October likely forebodes the further destabilization of the Central African nation. Cameroon has been a relatively reliable counterterrorism partner against Boko Haram since 2013, with Cameroonian forces helping reduce the... MORE
Moscow Laying Groundwork for Deeper Military Involvement in Libya
Moscow is deepening its military involvement in Libya while denying to its own people and the world that it is doing so, thus repeating the pattern that the Kremlin has followed in Syria and the Central African Republic. Indeed, the Russian government appears to have... MORE
Moscow’s Neo-Colonial Enterprise Running Into Difficulties in Central African Republic
President Vladimir Putin’s neo-colonial enterprise in the Central African Republic (CAR), one driven by a desire to weaken the West, counter Chinese expansion there, and gain access to gold and uranium in one of the poorest countries on earth (see EDM, May 15, September 4,... MORE
The 36-Year Rebellion: Salif Sadio and the Struggle for Senegal’s Casamance Region
Low-intensity conflicts can be among the most resistant to resolution. A case in point is the 36-year separatist struggle in Casamance, the southern region of Senegal. While the conflict has veered between ceasefires and flare-ups, one man, Salif Sadio, has dedicated himself to keeping the... MORE