Latest Articles about Africa
“An Average Young Tunisian”: A Profile of Aymen al-Samiri, Mastermind of the June 27 Tunis Double-Attack
Introduction From June 27 to July 3, Tunisia saw a series of chaotic events, as the country’s capital was struck by two nearly simultaneous suicide bombings, followed by a massive government manhunt for those behind the attacks. Tunisian Prime Minister Youssef Chahed defined these five... MORE
Mozambique: Islamic State Claims Reveal Little About Ansar al-Sunna Brian M. Perkins Islamic State Central Africa Province (ISCAP)—which is comprised of a wing in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and one in Mozambique—has claimed responsibility for three attacks in Mozambique since its first reported... MORE
A Shia “Boko Haram” Insurgency or Iranian Proxy in Nigeria? Not So Fast
On July 29, the Kaduna High Court is expected to rule on whether Nigerian Shia leader, Ibrahim al-Zakzaky, will be allowed to leave Nigeria to receive medical treatment (Leadership, July 18). In 2015, al-Zakzaky was severely injured during a crackdown by the Nigerian security forces... MORE
Kremlin Moves in Africa Open a New Round in Russia’s Broader Cold War Against the West
Russia is back in Africa after a nearly-two-decade-long hiatus (see EDM, June 14, 2018; September 4, 2018; November 6, 2018). In some respects, contemporary Moscow is pursuing the same goals of securing political allies that the Soviet government had. Yet, the Russian government is simultaneously... MORE
Somalia-Kenya Maritime Border Dispute Could Threaten Counterterrorism Gains
A maritime border dispute between Somalia and Kenya is threatening to derail the war against al-Shabaab, the al-Qaeda affiliate in East Africa, which continues to execute a deadly war in the Horn of Africa. The dispute is particularly precarious because Kenya is a key contributor... MORE
A Neighbor’s Dilemma: The Implications of the Libyan Crisis on Tunisia
Introduction In April, paramilitary forces loyal to the Libyan National Army (LNA)—the armed wing of the Tobruk administration—began its campaign to take the capital Tripoli from the UN-backed Government of National Accord (GNA) and its loose coalition of militia units (Africa Times, April 11). Fighting... MORE
Haftar’s Right Hand Man in Libya: General Abd al-Razaq al-Nadhuri
The Libyan National Army (LNA) forces loyal to Field Marshall Khalifa Haftar are stalled amidst fierce fighting in their campaign to oust the U.N.-backed Government of National Accord (GNA) from Tripoli (Sky News Arabia [Abu Dhabi), June 22; Anadolu Agency [Ankara], June 27). Haftar commands... MORE
The Kenyan Financier of Islamic State: Halima Adan Ali
Halima Adan Ali, a 34-year-old female Islamist militant has recently been revealed to be a financier, supporter, and recruiter of the Middle East-based Islamic State (IS). Her name is emerging at a time when the role of women as facilitators of terrorist activities has become... MORE
Snatching the Sudanese Revolution: A Profile of General Muhammad Hamdan Daglo “Hemetti”
While it was no surprise that the Sudanese military took action to protect themselves by deposing President Omar al-Bashir in the midst of nationwide protests, what is surprising is who has emerged as Sudan’s de facto leader. Nearly illiterate and widely accused of war crimes... MORE