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Publication: Monitor Volume: 2 Issue: 200

Ukrainian officials are offering vague and contradictory explanations for the October 23 resignations of naval commander-in-chief Volodymyr Bezkorovayny, his first deputy and chief of staff Mykola Kostrov, and deputy commander-in-chief Oleksy Ryzhenko. Two of the three admirals were said to have cited medical reasons for resigning. However, some Defense Ministry officials indirectly undermined that explanation by announcing that the ministry is considering other assignments for the three. Other officials of the same ministry claimed, without substantiation, that the admirals had objections to military reform or that they had performed poorly in their posts. National Security Council secretary Volodymyr Horbulin offered several, mutually inconsistent explanations, and concluded ultimately that the Ukrainian navy needs "fresh blood." President Leonid Kuchma hinted that he had asked the admirals to resign. (Interfax-Ukraine, UNIAN, Western agencies, October 23 and 24)

The Monitor is a publication of the Jamestown Foundation. It is researched and written under the direction of senior analysts Jonas Bernstein, Vladimir Socor, Stephen Foye, and analysts Ilya Malyakin, Oleg Varfolomeyev and Ilias Bogatyrev. If you have any questions regarding the content of the Monitor, please contact the foundation. If you would like information on subscribing to the Monitor, or have any comments, suggestions or questions, please contact us by e-mail at, by fax at 301-562-8021, or by postal mail at The Jamestown Foundation, 4516 43rd Street NW, Washington DC 20016. Unauthorized reproduction or redistribution of the Monitor is strictly prohibited by law. Copyright (c) 1983-2002 The Jamestown Foundation Site Maintenance by Johnny Flash Productions