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Publication: Monitor Volume: 1 Issue: 22

On May 31, Russianforeign minister Andrei Kozyrev signed the Partnership for Peaceagreement and a side accord calling for the establishment of a specialrelationship between Russia and NATO, Moscow radio reported. How fastthat relationship will develop remains to be seen. On the one hand,NATO foreign ministers remain sharply critical of Moscow’s involvementin Chechnya. On the other, they and the members of the Contact Groupseem willing to follow Moscow’s lead in Yugoslavia. Kozyrev haspressed, and the Contact Group has now agreed, that the five-memberbody should offer to lift economic sanctions on Belgrade if Serbianpresident Milosevich recognizes Bosnia as a state. A Moscow televisioncommentary May 30 said that the Western countries had little choice butto agree, unless they were prepared to go to war in the formerYugoslavia. Meanwhile, Moscow television news charged that Ukrainians,not Russians, were murdered with the Bosnian foreign minister May 28,something Kiev denies. Earlier, the Russian foreign ministry had saidthat several Russians, privately employed by the Bosnian Serbs, hadbeen involved.

Russians Advance In Chechnya…