Latest Hot Issues Articles
Hot Issue: Iran and the Looming U.S.-Russian Cold War
Executive Summary As the Western world is drawn in by the recent events in the Crimea, nations on the periphery are seeing a chance to use the widening gulf between Russia and the United States/EU to further their own aims. A debate has already begun... MORE
Hot Issue – Ukrainian Protests and the Armed Forces: Will the Military Stay in Its Barracks?
Executive SummaryTo date, the besieged Ukrainian government has largely avoided deploying the Armed Forces against the Maidan protesters, even when the situation has devolved into serious street violence with the police. The Ukrainian military itself, on the other hand, has made it a point to... MORE
Hot Issue: The Rise of Turkey: The Mediterranean’s New Regional Naval Power
Turkey’s Navy in Throes of Massive Expansion The Mediterranean, history’s first naval battleground, is seeing the rise of a new regional naval power – Turkey. In a demonstration of its new abilities, the Türk Deniz Kuvvetleri (Turkish Navy) began its Invitex-Dogu Akdeniz-2013 naval exercise on... MORE
Hot Issue: Libya in Anarchy Two Years After Western Intervention
Executive SummaryTwo years ago, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi’s assassination by Western-backed rebels (October 20, 2011) marked the end of all-out civil war and the collapse of the state in Libya. The United States and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) based their case for... MORE
Hot Issue: The Jihadist Legacy of Vietnam’s General Vo Nguyen Giap
General Vo Nguyen Giap, the diminutive military giant and author of the military defeats of both the French and the United States in Vietnam, died on October 4 at the age of 102. In a career that began with guerrilla attacks on Vichy French outposts... MORE
Hot Issue: Westgate Mall Attack Demonstrates al-Shabaab’s Desperation, Not Strength
Expelled from their main sources of financing, consumed by internal disputes and under constant pressure from African Union troops in the field, Somalia’s al-Shabaab movement and its leader Abdi Godane “Abu Zubayr” have rolled the dice with a massive attack on civilians in Nairobi with... MORE
After the Crackdown in Cairo: Understanding Why The Egyptian Army Deposed Muhammad Mursi
Egyptian Interior Ministry police executed on August 14 the long anticipated break-up of the two pro-Mursi “sit-in” protest camps in Cairo, which have been a daily presence since the former Islamist president was removed from office on July 3. The latest move by government forces... MORE
Hot Issue: Niger: New Battleground for North Africa’s Islamist Militants?
When a pair of suicide bombings occurred almost simultaneously at important economic and military targets in Niger last week, it raised the specter of broadening Salafi-Jihadist activities paralyzing the political and economic development of a vast stretch of north and west Africa. Niger, possibly the... MORE
Hot Issue: Libyan Militias Shape Country’s Future
Summary Libya’s quasi-parliament recently approved a political isolation law prohibiting a range of Qaddafi-era officials from political office or taking government jobs. The law was passed over the objections of the government and after revolutionary militias blockaded key ministries, refusing to leave until the measure... MORE
Hot Issue: The Boston Marathon Bombing: Radicalization Process and the Tsarnaev Brothers
To gain a perspective on so-called “home grown” jihadist terrorism, two models are especially enlightening. The first is the report by the New York City Police Department (NYPD): “Radicalization In The West: The Home Grown Threat.” [1] The other model is prescriptive and can be... MORE