Latest China Brief Articles

A House Divided: Contentious Politics Within The Ccp

It's neither U.S. military muscle, nor the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leadership's fear of a global boycott of the 2008 Olympic Games. The one factor that most inhibits China attempting an "armed liberation of Taiwan" is that there are two command posts in Beijing: one... MORE

China’s Quest For Market Economy Status

China is not recognized as a market economy by any of its major trading partners, making it easier for its firms to be found guilty of dumping goods on overseas markets. Unsatisfied by what it sees as discriminatory treatment and fearful that this status makes... MORE

China’s Nanotech Revolution

Prior to 2000, the Chinese media made practically no mention of the concept of "nanotechnology" (nami jishu) or its potential for revolutionizing China's high tech industry. Today, however, dozens of major Chinese research centers and hundreds of enterprises engage in the production of nanotechnologies, which... MORE

Walking A Fine Line: China’s Macro Adjustment

Once again, Beijing is walking a fine line between fire and ice – between over-heating and over-cooling its economy. This balancing act deeply worries U.S. financial sectors as well as other Asian entities (such as Japan, South Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan), whose economic performance is... MORE

Beijing’s Reaction To East Asia’s Changing Alliances

If China had sufficient economic and military prowess, there seems little doubt the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leadership would "go teach the U.S. a lesson" for the wrongs it had allegedly inflicted upon on the country. Previous CCP administrations had used similar clauses of indignation... MORE

China As The Center Of Asian Economic Integration

Increasingly, China is being perceived as the locomotive of Asia's economic growth and development, as its imports and trade deficits (with most Asian countries) are helping to fuel the economic recovery and growth of its smaller neighbors. Even Japan has acknowledged that its economic recovery... MORE

No More ‘soft Sell’ For Hong Kong

Beijing has acted quickly to dash the hopes that the half-a-million-people rally in Hong Kong last week will change the leadership's hard-line stance toward universal-suffrage elections in the special administrative region (SAR). While the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has continued with its public-relations, united-front offensive... MORE

Two Suns In One Sky: Papal Influence And The Ccp

Diplomatic relations between mainland China and the Vatican broke off in the early 1950s when the Papal representative, who had supported the KMT during the civil war, was expelled for urging Chinese Catholics to oppose the PRC's involvement in the Korean War. Fifty years later,... MORE

A Thorny Road To Sino-kazakh Partnership

Chinese Foreign Minister Li Chaosin made his first official visit to Kazakhstan in April 2003. The success of his meetings with Kazakh officials prompted Kazakh Foreign Minister Kasymzhomart Tokayev to emphatically state that his views were identical to those of his Chinese counterpart and that... MORE