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Yemen After The Arab Spring Conference DVD

On October 13, 2011, The Jamestown Foundation held its annual conference on Yemen entitled, “Yemen After the Arab Spring: From Revolution to Disintegration?” at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington, DC.

This full-length DVD covers three conference panels, a keynote speech and concluding remarks featuring:

A keynote speech by Ali Soufan, author of The Black Banners: The Inside Story of 9/11 and the War Against al-Qaeda; remarks by Amb. Edmund Hull, former US Ambassador to Yemen; Andrew McGregor, Senior Editor, Terrorism Monitor, The Jamestown Foundation; Barak Salmoni, National Defense University; conclusion by Nabeel Khoury, Director of the Near East South Asia office, US State Department Bureau of Political Analysis (INR)

Along with the following speakers:

Jeb Boone (Yemen Times), Munir Mawari (Independent Consultant), Mohamed Ali Al-Saqqaf (Independent Consultant), Michael Ryan (The Jamestown Foundation), Murad Batal al-Shishani (The Jamestown Foundation), Daniel Green (Washington Institute for Near East Policy), Jack Barclay (Strategic Communications Consultant), Robert Powell (Economist Intelligence Unit), Thomas Crisman (University of South Florida), Chris de Bodisco (The Balmoral Group)