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2014 China Defense & Security Conference DVD

On March 25, 2015, The Jamestown Foundation held its fourth annual conference on China Defense and Security, at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington, DC.

This full-length DVD covers four conference panels featuring:

A closing war game by Admiral Timothy Keating, former Commander of U.S. Pacific Command.

Along with the following speakers:

Kenneth Allen (DGI), Dennis Blasko (Independent Analyst), Michael Chase (RAND), Dean Cheng (The Heritage Foundation), Andrew Chubb (Author, South Sea Conversations), R. Evan Ellis, (William J. Perry Center), Bonnie Glasner (CSIS), Timothy Heath (USPACOM), Russell Hsiao (Project 2049), Alexander Huang (Tamkang University), Peter Mattis (The Jamestown Foundation), Kevin McCauley (Independent Analyst), Joe McReynolds (DGI), Leigh Ann Ragland (DGI).