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Ninth Annual Terrorism Conference The War in Syria, Islamic State and the Changing Landscape of Asymmetric Threats

Ninth Annual Terrorism Conference: The War in Syria, Islamic State and the Changing Landscape of Asymmetric Threats

Tuesday, December 8, 2015
8:30 A.M.–4:15 P.M.

The University Club of Washington, D.C.

Grand Ballroom (2nd Floor)

1135 Sixteenth Street, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20036



8:00 A.M.–8:30 A.M.

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8:30 A.M.–8:40 A.M.

Glen E. Howard

President, The Jamestown Foundation

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Panel One:

The War in Syria and the New Threat Environment

in the Greater Middle East

8:40 A.M.–10:00 A.M.

Bruce Hoffman

Director, Center for Security Studies,

Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University &

Board Member, The Jamestown Foundation

Bruce Riedel

Senior Fellow, The Saban Center for Middle East Policy, Brookings Institution

David Kilcullen

President and CEO, Caerus Associates

Q & A

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Coffee Break

10:00A.M.–10:30 A.M.

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Panel Two:

Russian Intervention in Syria, Rebel Reaction, Turkey’s Perspective and the Arab Kurdish Insurgency East of the Euphrates

10:30 A.M. –12:00 P.M.

“Russian Intervention in Syria”

Pavel Baev

Research Professor, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)

“Rebel Reaction to Russian Intervention”

Nicholas A. Heras

Middle East Analyst, Center for a New American Strategy (CNAS) &

Associate Fellow, The Jamestown Foundation

“Turkey’s Reaction to the War in Syria”

Nihat Ali Ozcan

Associate Professor, TEPAV University, Ankara, Turkey

“The Kurdish Periphery”

Wladimir van Wilgenburg

Analyst, The Jamestown Foundation &

Contributor, Daily Beast


S. Enders Wimbush

Distinguished Senior Fellow, The Jamestown Foundation

Q & A

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12:00 P.M.–1:00 P.M.

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Panel Three:

Islamic State’s War Machine: Ideology, Recruitment, Rivals and Proxies

1:00 P.M.– 2:45 P.M.

“Caliphate at War: Islamic State Ideology, War Fighting and State Formation”

Ahmed A.S. Hashim

Associate Professor of Strategic Studies, Military Studies Program

Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS)

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

“ISIS and al-Qaeda: Tactical Twins, Strategic Enemies”

Michael W.S. Ryan

Senior Fellow, The Jamestown Foundation

“Europe’s Jihadist Pipeline to Syria”

James Brandon

Editor-in-Chief, Terrorism Monitor, The Jamestown Foundation

“Islamic State and West Africa”

Jacob Zenn

Associate Fellow, The Jamestown Foundation

Q & A

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Coffee Break

2:45 P.M.–3:00 P.M.

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Concluding Remarks

3:00 P.M.–4:00 P.M.

General Michael V. Hayden

Former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency

Q & A

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4:00 P.M.