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Raffaello Pantucci

Raffaello Pantucci is a Senior Fellow at the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) and the author of the forthcoming We Love Death as You Love Life: Britain’s Suburban Mujahedeen (Hurst/Columbia University Press).

Contact Raffaello Pantucci

    Articles by Raffaello Pantucci

    China and Central Asia in 2013

    In the last two years, China has emerged as the most consequential outside actor in Central Asia. As we have described in other writings, China’s ascension to this role has...

    Bekkay Harrach: The Face of German Terror

    Germany’s federal elections passed without incident on September 27, 2009, though they took place against a backdrop of intense concern in the German security services about a growing number of...

    Bekkay Harrach: The Face of German Terror

    Germany’s federal elections passed without incident on September 27, though they took place against a backdrop of intense concern in the German security services about a growing number of increasingly...

    Abu Qatada’s Comfortable British Jihad

    On June 17, amidst much furor, a British Special Immigration Appeals Committee (SIAC) allowed the release on bail of Abu Qatada al-Filistini, a radical preacher described by Spanish counter-terror judge...