Meghan Conroy
Alden Wahlstrom is a Program Associate for Jamestown’s Global Terrorism Analysis program and assists with editing the Terrorism Monitor and Militant Leadership Monitor publications. He graduated with high honors from the University of Maryland, earning a B.A. in Government and Politics and Russian Language and Literature. After graduation, Mr. Wahlstrom moved to Moscow, Russia for advanced language study.
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Articles by Meghan Conroy
A Look at the Refugee Turned Ansbach Bomber – Mohammad Daleel
Meghan Conroy Introduction On July 26, the Islamic State’s (IS) online newsletter, al-Nabaa, published a profile of a 27-year-old jihadist who had allegedly belonged to the organization since 2013. [1]...
Boko Haram: Nigerian Military Crackdown Prompts Terror Group to Adapt
Shortly after his May 2015 inauguration, President Muhammadu Buhari gave the Nigerian military until the end of that year to defeat Boko Haram. As the deadline approached, Buhari assured the...