Matthew Luce
Matthew Luce is a Mandarin linguist-analyst at SAIC. He has worked and traveled extensively in China, and his research focuses on Chinese technology development and policy.
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Articles by Matthew Luce
A Model Company: CETC Celebrates 10 Years of Civil-Military Integration
This year marks the tenth anniversary of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation (zhongguo dianzi keji jituan gongsi)—known better by its acronym CETC—one of China’s ten official defense industry conglomerate-bureaucracies [1]....
Cloud Computing Zone Tests “Chongqing Model”
In March 2011, the municipal government of Chongqing announced its intention to construct a special economic “cloud computing zone” (yun tequ), the largest such zone in Asia (Nanfang Zhoumo, June...
China Eyes “Dual Use” Applications for its Supercomputers
As of November 15, the world’s fastest supercomputer officially belongs to China, according to the most recent listing of the world’s Top 500 computers [1]. China has pushed the United...
China’s Secure Communications Quantum Leap
In May 2010 a team of 15 Chinese researchers from Tsinghua University in Beijing and the Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences, a government-directed research center, published a research paper...