Christopher Boucek
Christopher Boucek is a Postdoctoral Researcher at Princeton University and a Lecturer at the Woodrow Wilson School.
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Articles by Christopher Boucek
Jailing Jihadis: Saudi Arabia’s Special Terrorist Prisons
Saudi Arabia is nearing completion of new purpose-built prison facilities for its program of rehabilitation and counseling for Islamist militants. Under this program five new specialized prisons have been built...
Extremist Reeducation and Rehabilitation in Saudi Arabia
For the past three years, the Saudi government has been quietly engaged in an ambitious strategy to combat violent Islamist extremist sympathies through an innovative prisoner reeducation and rehabilitation program....
Saudi Authorities Crack Down on Forgery Networks
In recent weeks, there has been a vigorous publicized crackdown on document forgery and identification counterfeiting in Saudi Arabia. Such criminal offenses in the kingdom have largely been committed by...
Major Arrests Highlight Security Situation in Saudi Arabia
On April 27, the Saudi Ministry of Interior announced that it had disrupted a large-scale and wide-ranging terrorist plot made up of seven cells, with plans to target oil facilities...
Saudi Arabia Interdicts Large Quantities of Weapons at its Borders
According to a November 6 report in al-Sharq al-Awsat, Saudi authorities have recently made sizable seizures of large quantities of weapons and explosives at the kingdom's borders, including its border...
Saudi Television Comedy Satirizes Terrorism and Extremism
Throughout the Arab and Muslim worlds, the holy month of Ramadan has come to be known as the most popular television season. Each year, new and returning serials are eagerly...
Saudi Arabia to Build Security Fence on Iraqi Border
Following a series of reports that began to appear in late September, Saudi Arabia's Deputy Interior Minister Prince Ahmed bin Abdel Aziz has confirmed that Riyadh intends to construct a...
The Presence of Saudi Nationals in the Iraqi Insurgency
This article is based upon extensive research with knowledgeable sources that dealt with the author only on the strict condition of anonymity and non-attribution. It is widely recognized that Saudi...
Saudi Security and the Islamist Insurgency
For over a decade, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has fought an ongoing battle against homegrown Islamist insurgents. These forces have sought to overthrow the ruling monarchy and replace it...
Libyan State-Sponsored Terrorism: An Historical Perspective
For decades, the Libyan regime of Colonel Muammar Qadhafi maintained a well documented history of extensive state sponsorship of terrorism. Tacit support, close cooperation, and moral encouragement for a number...
For decades, the Libyan regime of Colonel Muammar Qadhafi maintained a well documented history of extensive state sponsorship of terrorism. Tacit support, close cooperation, and moral encouragement for a number...