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Jamestown Launches ‘Russia in Decline’ Project

The Jamestown Foundation is proud to announce the release of seven new papers connected to the special project, Russia in Decline, which seeks to shed light on the possible futures facing the Russian Federation—a country trapped on a downward trajectory.

All of the project’s analyses and products can be found on The Jamestown Foundation’s website ( The second batch of analytical essays just released includes:

Russia’s Knowledge Economy Decline: Views From Inside
Harley Balzer

Russia’s Fraught Demographic Future
Ilan Berman

Can Russia Sustain Its Military Capability?
Stephen Blank

Russian Writers on the Decline of Russia in the Far East and the Rise of China
Stephen Blank

How Islam Will Change Russia
Marlene Laruelle

Russian Innovation System on a Decaying Trajectory: A Case Study of the Novosibirsk Region
Evgeny Vodichev

Russia in Decline: Possible Scenarios
Alexander Sungurov

Please direct all media inquiries about this special project to pubs(at) or call 202-483-8888.