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Publication: Monitor Volume: 1 Issue: 41

On June 27, a compromise emerged in the conflict betweenthe Russian parliament and the government of Prime Minister ViktorChernomyrdin. Moscow media suggested that Chernomyrdin will takeback his call for a vote of confidence and that the parliamentwill vote again on a no confidence measure. Such an arrangementwill probably keep the government in power: many members are afraidof the dissolution of the parliament because they will lose theirperks–even their pagers–and many more will find it easier toabstain on the second measure than on the first. Because sucha vote will almost certaianly fail, both the parliament and Chernomyrdinwill remain in office. Meanwhile, President Yeltsin continuedto meet with parliamentary leaders and said he would take a decisionon the possible replacement of one or more of the so-called "power"ministers only after the investigation into the Budennovsk hostagecrisis had been completed. His spokesman indicated that he mightnot make an announcement on who will go until July 22, one daybefore the parliament is supposed to go into its summer recess.And Chernomyrdin rejected claims by deputy interior minister MikhailYegorov that the prime minister had joined Yegorov and interiorminister Viktor Yerin in ordering the attack on the hospital inBudennovsk where the hostages were held, Interfax reported June27.

Chechen Talks Resume.